40mm 2 Row Hoop Gold Bling Bling Earrings
Perfect for holidays to have a gorgeous earrings that looks expensive but its not. Hip hop bling has it all for women and men jewelry watches, bracelets, all shape and sizes earrings and more stylish jewelries. I looked so fancy with the 40mm 2 row hoop gold bling bling earrings even tho the company had sent me the wrong earrings i had asked for but i really didn't mind because these earrings is stunning the shine is unbelievably gorgeous i know for a fact that these earrings are going to go perfect with my holiday dress i bought.
The shine never faded nor the diamonds never fell off all the diamonds stood in tact and thats what i really liked about the earrings because other earrings i had bought before never lasted three days because the diamonds would fall off and the shine would fade so fast. The hoop earrings has a easy closure also came with a small rubber to put in to make it really secure that it won't open.
The hoop earrings makes the perfect gift for the holidays or just any occasions and the earrings makes a fabulous accessory to any outfit. Here's the site http://www.hiphopbling.com/ you can also follow on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube